Tuesday, November 21, 2006


What is the matter with people?

why do they have to be so cruel?

what is up with the world today?

why can't everybody just be friends?

I know why!!

It is because of all of the Jenna's in the world. All the people who try to rip peoples friendships apart. I have to go.


FAB~Jenna said...


well sarah you must be a jenna then. Cheyenne and I are having PROBLEMS because of your Jennaosity.


DitzyLove (CHEY...) said...

Ohhhhh..... I d0n't think s0 Jenna. 0r sh0uld I call y0u the sand lady? Sand Lady, yup. Thankie f0r the present. Have a fabul0usly baffling Thanksgiving. Unf0rtunately, I'll see y0u 0n M0nday.

DitzyLove (CHEY...) said...

And by the way jenna.....

Guess after what happened last night I'll never get the 4th b00k, huh?
N0t like y0u were gunna give it t0 me anyways.

SarahLove said...

(sweetly) Hey Jenna,

How are you doing sand lady?
And what is this Saying that i have jennaosity? Well Jenna you know that is plagerism and plagerism is bad! you know i am just Cheyennes backup, you are the one creating the problems your self, and you can't handle the fact that i am stronger than you can you? You know I pray for you every day, and what do i get in return? a kick in the face with all of this jennaosity business. how old are you if you blame other people for your prblems?
well i guess for you it 13 or i guess if you add that up it will give you the age that acts like that